Darshan Vidyalaya,
Gularia Bhat

Founder's message


“Each student who learns how to be peaceful adds one more person to bring peace into this world”

If we could inculcate ethical virtues in children at a young age, they can be molded so that they grow up to be the adults with these positive values. If students learn to be peaceful, they will grow up to be adults who are peaceful and can contribute to the peace in the world. By encouraging spiritual and ethical programs in schools will help to raise the upcoming generations in such a way that they will be peaceful, nonviolent, tolerant, caring citizens of the country and the entire world.

Education is a means by which we train children to deal with the problems of life. To bring out the right balance in life, we also have to lay stress on the spiritual aspect of education. Spirituality deals with developing the higher values of life and becoming a better person.

To develop our spiritual side it is important to start the basic moral learning at an early age. It is important that spiritual and ethical values of life are taught properly. We can develop spiritually through a process of meditation. Through meditation we not only develop the higher human values, but we also realize our true-selves and gain knowledge about the soul in our body. If we teach the ethical and spiritual traits along with the physical and intellectual traits to children at the school level, then this world will become a heaven of joy, peace and harmony.

Ethical and Spiritual development means learning about spreading love, kindness, being truthful, being helpful, caring and humble human being. The students also learn nonviolence, humility, compassion and selfless service.

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
Founder Chairman, Darshan Education Foundation